New login, even more security
Qiata version 3.0 now available

Secure, more secure, Qiata - with the new Qiata Major Release 3.0, this is not just a promising motto, but a technologically essential component of the solution architecture. The already high level of security is further improved by the innovative and completely redesigned login process.
In addition, the new login procedure creates a basis for upcoming technologies - such as one-time password and two-factor authentication. At the same time, thanks to OIDC (OpenID Connect), users can be connected quickly, easily and securely at any time.
The new version is freely available for existing customers and can be updated as usual via our repository. For the connection of an additional, external OIDC/ADFS provider, a paid license option is necessary. Please contact our sales department for further details.
Qiata Changes
- Completely new login added
- We now use modern industry standards for access control, with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID 1.0 Connect
- Used as primary login to provide increased visibility, control as well as strong endpoint protection
- Additional security through challenges, access tokens as well as new CSRF tokens
- Tokens are now based on JSON Web Token (JWT)
- Single Sign On (SSO) functionality for users, even with delegated authentication
- OpenID Connect Provider functionality added, for delegated authentication (license option)
- Connect your AD FS (Active Directory Federation Services) or Azure Active Directory (AzureAD) to Qiata
- Users can authenticate with their known Windows accounts
- Organization can enforce the provider to use (Applies to Secure Desktop Client (SDC)).
- Optimized displays of authorization errors
- Java integration has been removed
- Support for Internet Explorer has been removed
- Fixed a problem where the background image (bg.jpg) could not be changed due to MIME checking
- Fixed a problem where the logo size was wrong
- Fixed a problem where the template for "PIN code" in the list of templates was not offered for each language
- Fixed a problem where when using "xmllogin", error feedback was not reported as XML
SDC Changes
- Now exclusively uses the OpenID 1.0 Connect based login technique
- Single Sign On (SSO) functionality for users, even with delegated authentication
- Core components updated to the latest versions
- Fixed ~40 CVE vulnerabilities
- Fixed a problem where an error occurred when SDC was started more than once
- Fixed a problem where the forced password was ignored when sending a new transfer
- Fixed a problem where the logical connection between expiration date and delivery date was incorrectly checked
Warning: This update will reset some templates and CSS files, which may result in your customizations being removed. Make sure your customizations are saved before updating. Older templates are in parts not compatible with the new version due to technical reasons. A list of templates which have been changed can be found in our FAQ section.
You can download the new version in our download area. Please note that a registration / login is necessary. The new Qiata version is available as usual via the DOMOS update process. For more information, please contact our SalesTEAM (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).