Bugs / problems
Please deactivate the VMware Tools and perform an "Activate Settings". Afterwards you have to activate the VMware Tools and perform an "Activate Settings" again. Updates should now be able to be carried out without problems.
You have to tick the "increase security" option. Only then are the settings for the password enforced.
In the ftadmin area under "Restrictions" the "Upload size" has to be adjusted.
Please log in as "ftadmin". In the Organization tab under the paragraph "Restriction" there is the item "Maximum number of users" the default value is set to 100 here. Please increase the value here and you can create "User" again.
With DOMOS 5.4, NTP was removed from DOMOS, but ntpdate is still updated. Therefore, this dependency error occurs. To avoid the bug, you have to execute the following command as user 'root' on the DOMOS console:
rpm -e ntpAfterwards, the system update can be carried out as usual via the DOMOS WebUI.
The current patterns of the virus scanner "ClamAV" have the problem that they wrongly declare all PDF files as virus "Win.Exploit.CVE_2019_0903-6966169-0". This is a hoax and currently only exists in the latest patterns (daily.cld 25460) of the virus scanner. Other file types are not affected. To work around the problem temporarily, log in to the system as user root via SSH and run the following command:
echo "Win.Exploit.CVE_2019_0903-6966169-0" >> /var/clamav/sig_whitelist.ign2As a result, the virus is included in the whitelist of the scanner and "skipped". The PDF files can be sent as usual. To undo the adjustments, you can either reset the virus definitions via DOMOS CC (FQDN: 10000), or manually remove the file from the system
rm /var/clamav/sig_whitelist.ign2